The chief aim of all gospel activities is to make God known. Whether it is preaching or miracles, everything must point people to God. Where this is not the case, what you have is a charade.
The chief aim of all gospel activities is to make God known. Whether it is preaching or miracles, everything must point people to God. Where this is not the case, what you have is a charade.
God is always ready to extend mercy to the wayward, but He expects that they don’t return to their foolish and wicked ways anymore.
However, is there any way by which fear can be put to positive use? Absolutely! When God is made the object of our fear it becomes positive and rewarding. To be sure, the fear of the Lord is not known by smooth talks and pious resemblance. Essentially, it manifests itself in abstention from evil.
So fear was the woman’s problem, not that she had not heard the Lord. Fear is one clear reason why many people do not make God their number one priority when it comes to giving.
Those who are striving for success in a godly way must always remember this fact of scripture, that those who believe shall not make haste. Undue hurry comes with worries and regrettable steps.
Delayed prophecies concerning the Lord’s return is not a sign of slackness on God’s part; rather it is the expression of His loving-kindness to bring many more souls into the kingdom.
While we may not be able to predict with a high degree of exactitude, it is doubtless that leaving undone what needs to be done or postponing them to a future date could spell disaster one way or another. Is there anything that you need to do now to prevent future complications? Go ahead and do it!
The compensation for a proud attitude is always a fall. The sane thing to do is to never think of ourselves more highly than necessary. We must also exercise ourselves within the framework of God’s plan and purposes and never seek to be impostors.
God may choose unknown persons or those with whom you do not agree to stir you in the right path sometimes. It is your responsibility to be able to sift through and separate past wrongs from present opportunities.
Secondly, the choices that people make are a reflection of the values that they hold dear. What the woman did could be considered as sacrificing her marriage on the altar of mammon. She simply chose financial gain above marital bliss.