Maybe you need to allow the Holy Spirit to audit the people around you and your business.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MISSION -3, JUL 12, 2022
Maybe you need to allow the Holy Spirit to audit the people around you and your business.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MISSION -3, JUL 12, 2022
In the third temptation, the devil showed Jesus all the glories of the world and asked Him to bow in worship in order to have them.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MISSION -2, JUL 1, 2022
Though several attempts had been made on His life, none succeeded because He still had an outstanding mission.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MISSION -1, JUL 10, 2022
“If you don’t feel like praying, force it because something is forcing you not to pray”.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, DEAL WITH GRIEF -2, JUL 9, 2022
The scripture makes it plain that deferred hope leads to a sickened soul.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, DEAL WITH GRIEF -1, JUL 08, 2022
Our Christian duty must be done with the end in mind. Let us build to last.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, ENDURING WORK, JUL 7, 2022
On a final note, followers should learn to be more sympathetic and supportive of their leaders.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, SOLVING PROBLEMS JUL 6, 2022
The second one is the narrow, difficult path which leads to eternal life. What is easy may not be safe.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, THE EASY WAY, JUL 5, 2022
Those who are growing in their faith demonstrate that fear has to give way to confidence, they have to defend the truth of the gospel, and be ready to spend and be spent.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, GROWING FAITH, JUL 4, 2022
Those who want to go all the way with God and be all that they are destined for must find a way to lay aside the fear of man.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, THE FEAR OF MAN, JUL 3, 2022