The past nine mediations have talked about the blessing of the Lord. Essentially, we have stressed what needs to be done to get blessed. Curiously, none of the conditions mentioned prayer directly. When most people pray, it is so that God might bless them. We can now say on the strength of scriptures that getting blessed goes more than praying for it. It is about attitude and positioning. Those with right attitude and position will receive the blessing of the Lord. It is also interesting that nowhere in all the past meditations is the devil a condition. We can now state that if we meet the conditions, God can set a table before us even in the presence of the enemy.
…getting blessed goes more than praying for it. It is about attitude and positioning. Those with right attitude and position will receive the blessing of the Lord.
Before we draw the curtain on this series, let us observe three additional conditions for blessing in our text. The first is to be “undefiled in the way”. The Bible warns us to hate “even the garment spotted by the flesh” (Jude 1:23). The second is to keep God’s testimonies. What is called “testimonies” here is the same thing referred to as “judgment” or the word of God elsewhere. God’s word provides guiding light in all areas of life. It warns and at the same time corrects. When we give heed to its dictates, we get blessed. Finally, becoming blessed demands that we seek God with the whole heart. There is no room for half measures in walking with God. A trial and error approach to seeking God will leave us empty and dry.