If we work at removing certain impediments, the voice of God will sound clear. By the way, several other voices try to gain our attention and distract us from the voice of God.
If we work at removing certain impediments, the voice of God will sound clear. By the way, several other voices try to gain our attention and distract us from the voice of God.
The book emphatically associates heeding instruction with wisdom and failure to take heed with foolishness. Elsewhere, instruction is often the precursor to restoration.
God has never used popularity as a barometer for truth. The age predicted by William Booth is here with us, and it is synonymous with the last days.
Adaptability is one of the several important skills for survival. It helps you respond quickly to developments around you.
Knowles himself died relatively young – he was only 43 when he died. However, his work lives among us today.
We should always approach God with confidence in the fact that He will not leave us in the dark.
When in doubt of what to do next, listen to what God will drop in your heart in the night.
While we are not being goaded to commit an error, let us not doubt the transcendent power of God to turn our gaffes into glory.
In reality, prayer should bring edification, align you with God’s will, and promote the welfare of others. Outside of these, any claim we make of prayer is a waste of time.
Friends will bail you out in times of trouble. In addition, certain doors can only be opened through the influence of a friend.